
7 Signs You Need Probiotics

woman taking a probiotic with water

Updated: January 15, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • There’s an increasing popularity of natural health approaches, with probiotics becoming a favored choice for potential health benefits. 
  • The signs that indicate you need probiotics include digestive issues, frequent infections, antibiotic use, food sensitivities, mental health concerns, skin problems, and chronic fatigue.
  • Somaya Life is a gut health supplement that goes beyond typical probiotics, regulating and enhancing overall health by improving gut-brain communication.

As more and more people take a holistic and natural approach to their health, probiotics have gained immense popularity for their potential health benefits. 

These beneficial bacteria are known to promote a healthy gut, improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even support mental well-being. 

So, how do you know you need probiotics? Let’s explore the signs and symptoms that indicate a possible need for probiotic supplementation.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms, primarily bacteria and yeast, that offer health benefits to the host when consumed in adequate amounts. These microorganisms are often referred to as "good" or "friendly" bacteria because of their positive impact on the body, particularly on the digestive system.

It’s important to note that a majority of probiotics exert their benefits in the gut. They help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the digestive system, promoting proper digestion and nutrient absorption.

This also relates to immune support, as a significant portion of the immune cells reside in the gut, and a balanced microbiome contributes to overall immune function.

7 Signs You Need Probiotics

1. Digestive Issues

If you frequently experience bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other types of digestive discomfort, an imbalance in your gut microbiome might be to blame. 

Probiotics have been shown to help restore this balance, potentially alleviating these gastrointestinal issues or at least providing some relief. 

2. Frequent Infections & Illness

A weakened immune system often leads to recurrent infections, such as frequent colds, flu, or urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

Your gut health plays a crucial role in immune function. In fact, 70% of your immune system is located in your gut. An imbalance or lack of diversity in gut bacteria can impact your body's ability to defend itself against bad bacteria and environmental pathogens. 

Probiotics can help support your immune system if you’re one of those people who frequently get sick or you spend a lot of time around others who frequently get sick, such as kids. 

3. Antibiotic Use

Antibiotics are often used for treating bacterial infections, but they can severely disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut. 

If you've recently completed a course of antibiotics or you’re currently on one, you may benefit from taking probiotics to help rebuild your gut flora and prevent potential digestive issues.

4. Food Sensitivities

Research shows the gut microbiome plays a significant role in food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances. 

If you frequently experience discomfort or other issues after eating certain foods, such as gluten or lactose, an imbalance in your microbiome may be to blame. 

In some cases, probiotics may improve your digestion and reduce bloating, diarrhea, and constipation after meals.

5. Mental Health Concerns

Emerging research suggests a strong connection between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the gut-brain axis

If you suffer from mood disorders like anxiety or depression, it's possible that an imbalance in your gut microbiome could be contributing to these issues. Studies have shown that your gut provides 95% of your serotonin, which is a chemical that helps control your mood. 

Probiotics may help support your mental well-being by fostering a healthier gut environment and boosting the relationship between your brain and your gut. 

Since gut issues can often cause a lot of stress and anxiety in and of themselves, minimizing those symptoms can also have a positive mental impact.

6. Skin Problems

Skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis may be linked to gut health. An unhealthy gut can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, which can manifest as skin issues. 

If you've tried various topical treatments with limited success, addressing your gut health with probiotics can help minimize itchiness and frequent skin issue flare-ups.

7. Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog

If you often feel tired, it could be related to your gut health. 

An imbalanced gut microbiome has been linked to fatigue and low energy levels. Pain, discomfort, or inconsistent bowel movements due to GI issues can also impact your sleep, resulting in fatigue. 

Probiotics may help improve nutrient absorption, boost your energy, and reduce common digestive symptoms, allowing you to get some much-needed rest.

Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics offer a range of potential health benefits, particularly in promoting gut health and overall well-being. 

While individual responses may vary, here are some commonly recognized benefits of consuming probiotics:

  • Improved Digestive Health: Probiotics contribute to a balanced microbiome in the digestive system, aiding in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. They can help alleviate symptoms of digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea.
  • Support for the Immune System: A significant portion of the immune system resides in the gut. Probiotics may enhance the immune response, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.
  • Prevention & Management of Diarrhea: Probiotics, especially strains like Lactobacillus, have been shown to be effective in preventing and managing various types of diarrhea.
  • Treatment for IBS: Some individuals with IBS may experience relief from symptoms such as abdominal pain and irregular bowel habits through the use of certain probiotic strains.
  • Management of IBD: Probiotics may have a role in managing conditions like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, potentially reducing inflammation and improving symptoms.
  • Allergy Prevention & Management: There is evidence to suggest that early exposure to probiotics may reduce the risk of developing allergies. Additionally, probiotics may alleviate symptoms in individuals with allergic conditions.
  • Mental Health & Mood Support: The gut-brain axis highlights the connection between gut health and mental well-being. Probiotics may play a role in supporting mental health and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Skin Health: Probiotics may contribute to a healthy complexion by addressing skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis through the gut-skin axis.
  • Weight Management: While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that certain probiotics may assist in weight regulation and the prevention of obesity.

Go Beyond Probiotics with Somaya Life

Probiotics can be a valuable addition to your daily wellness routine, especially if you experience any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above. 

However, if you’re really interested in taking control of your health naturally, consider going beyond a probiotic

Somaya Life is a gut health supplement with 10 Smart StrainsTM of good bacteria. These strains are specifically chosen to help you fight off unwanted pathogens, boost the good bacteria in your gut, and improve communication signals between your gut and your brain. 

In short, where typical probiotics just support your digestive system, we actually regulate it and boost overall health. 

Don't Take Our Word for It

Reviewed By Morgan Burns

“When I first started taking Somaya Life, I didn’t notice a huge difference in how I felt. I’m generally a pretty healthy person, so I feel good most of the time. When Spring hit, that’s when I noticed a huge difference! 

I usually have pretty horrible allergies that knock me down hard unless I take Zyrtec several times a day. I haven’t taken any Zyrtec the entire season and I barely noticed my allergies. On days when the pollen is worse, I just double up on the Somaya Life, and it works like a charm. I understand the science behind the product, but I was still pretty shocked at how much it helped.”

Reviewed By Daniel Rodas

“Somaya Life is an amazing product. It really change[d] my life and the way I use[d] to treat my health challenges (asthma, allergies). 

Trust your gut with the Smart Strains of beneficial bacteria.”

The image features a bottle of Somaya Life anthrobiotics

Give it a try and start your health journey today.

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